Purification of plasmid DNA from bacterial culture
i-DNA offers services to purify plasmid DNA from bacterial culture.
Customer provides the bacterial culture and information like plasmid name, antibodies marker and size.
i-DNA inoculates the bacteria and grows overnight.
i-DNA performs plasmid DNA purification and provides customer the purified plasmid DNA / report.
Turnaround is 2 days.
i-DNA offer 2 production scales:
< 10µg yield (mini-prep)
≥ 30µg yield (mini-prep)
i-DNA also offer the following additional services only to the plasmid DNA that is purified by i-DNA.
Restriction Digest
This consists of (i) incubating purified plasmid DNA with specified restriction endonuclease(s), (ii)running the restriction digest product onto an agarose with specified DNA molecular weight ladder, (iii) taking the gel image and (iv) writing the report.
DNA Sequencing
We can provide (i) end-sequencing for checking the insert and orientation, (ii) full-sequencing for checking the integruty of the insert sequence.
Consider outsourcing your plasmid DNA purification, please contact i-DNA for a no-obligation consultation. All information provided will be kept strictly confidential.