GST- or His Taq Protein Purification Service
Catalog: i-CS5
Provide by Customer:
- Plasmid DNA containing the target gene fragment.
- Information of material provided and instruction for the serivce.
- Amplification of target gene fragment from the plasmid DNA provided.
- Cloning of amplified PCR product into a shuttle vector for DNA sequencing and restriction digest check.
- Subcloning of the correct PCR product into an appropriate E.coli expression vector for GST-or His-fusion protein, depending on customer’s preference.
- Screening for the correct and high fusion protein expression bacterial clones.
- Large scale (1-5L) bacterial culture and protein purification of His-tagged protein using Ni-NTA column or GST-tagged protein using glutathione column.
- 10µg recombinant protein expression plasmid DNA and correspondin bacterial stock.
- 5mg of fusion protein with >80% purity based on SDS-PAGE gel analysis.
- Documentation of the project.
- Turnaround time is 4-5 weeks.