Preparation of Custom Buffers and Solutions
Preparation of Custom Buffers, Solutions, Sterile Ultrapure Water and Agar Plates
i-DNA offers a wide range of services to ease the work-load and repetitive tasks in a laboratory so that scientists can focus on the research and discovery. Whatever it may be, please contact i-DNA for a no-obligation consultation. Examples of the task include:
- Preparation of custom buffers like 10X TBE, 10X TAE, 6X DNA Loading Buffer, Lysis Buffer and etc.
- Preparation of solutions like Saline, culture media and etc.
- Preparation of sterile ultrapure water, sterile DEPC-treated water and etc.
- Preparation of bacterial agar plates with different antibiotics.
Sterilisation and Autoclave
i-DNA understands that space is precious and limited in most research laboratories and having sterile research consumables and solutions just-in-time is not only critical to the quality of your research but also save time and money. For this purpose, i-DNA offers these services:
- Filter sterilisation
- Sterilisation by autoclave
Consider outsourcing routine tasks in your laboratory so that you can focus on the science and research, please contact i-DNA for a no-obligation consultation. All information provided will be kept strictly confidential.